Soul Leadership Journey Lead from Soul, Serve Life & World Jan-March 2023 SLJ PROGRAM FEED-FORWARD SLJ PROGRAM FEED-FORWARD Name * Surname * Email * Organization Role SLJ Module(s) attended * FULL JOURNEY | Jan-Mar 2023 1. SOUL MISSION (SM) | Jan 2023 2. LIFE VISION (LV) | Feb 2023 3. MANIFESTATION (MW) | Mar 2023 (*) Mandatory fields 1. KEY SHIFT - What shift(s) if any, are you experiencing since beginning the Soul Leadership Journey? * 2. KEY LEARNING - What is the learning that keeps you going forward in the direction of honouring and manifesting your Soul Leadership? * 3. INVITATION - What hope and/or invitation do you have for us, for our own growth and the future evolution of the SLJ program? * 4. ANYTHING MORE - Anything else you would like to share about your experience, and how we can possibly further serve you, your organisation, and your world at large? * THANK YOU FOR THE GIFT OF YOUR PRESENCE! reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Send now Δ Back To Top →