Giving Back & Coaching For Life Free Executive Coaching Micro-Sessions
AtmanWay offers for free Brief Deep Dialogues to integrate Strategy, Wisdom and Action and help leading in these turbulent times of uncertainty & fear. A small way to Give Back and thank all those who save and serve life.
Grateful to Life
Thankful to all those who protect, save and serve our lives during these times of CoronaVirus. From today, and throughout this VUCA period, AtmanWay will give away part of its time to help navigating and leading in these turbulent times of uncertainty and fear.
Orient and lead Self first, to best serve the World around us, our Team / Family, our Organization and ultimately Society.
The coaching micro-sessions will be held by Paolo Morley-Fletcher, AtmanWay Founder.
Every day AtmanWay will offer 3 DIFFERENT people, FREE Executive Coaching micro-sessions – Brief Deep Dialogues to integrate Strategy, Wisdom and Action.
- 1 x 30-minute session via phone call / video conference per person
- Focusing on one topic (to identify prior to the session), related to a challenging leadership situation or change at personal / work level
Priority will be given to:
- Health practitioners and public servants
- Scope of the challenge (to explore together)
A baby-step towards helping navigate uncertainty and unpredictability,
one conversation at a time…
Paolo Morley-Fletcher
Strategy and Leadership Advisor & Executive Coach. As both a consultant and executive Coach, Paolo has spent almost 20 years advising leaders and organizations globally around Strategy, Culture and Leadership Transformation.
Paolo believes today’s world demands a shift in leadership consciousness and organization’s culture, wherein leaders focus inward and engage in “deep work” to integrate wisdom, strategy and action to transform inside-out, and ultimately drive societal change.